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    Tourism in Idanre

    Among notable sites that catch the fancy of tourists are the unreadable letters, believed to be a mysterious handwriting etched on the rock, which could not be deciphered or read and interpreted by anyone since it was noticed conspicuously on the rock. Also, there is the Arun River, which is believed to have natural power to heal all kinds and manners of ailments and diseases, and it has been visited by many people over the years. The Agbogun footprint presents an attractive spectre of a mythical shoeprint which could fit ... Read more

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    Idanre Cultural Heritage

    Among notable sites that catch the fancy of tourists are the unreadable letters, believed to be a mysterious handwriting etched on the rock, which could not be deciphered or read and interpreted by anyone since it was noticed conspicuously on the rock. Also, there is the Arun River, which is believed to have natural power to heal all kinds and manners of ailments and diseases, and it has been visited by many people over the years. The Agbogun footprint presents an attractive spectre of a mythical shoeprint which could fit ... Read more

    Who is Who in Idanre ?
    This section will feature who is who in Idanre Kingdom. We are currently working on "Who is Who" and "Who was Who" in Idanre Kingdom.